Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve is a small protected area located around 23 km south of Iquitos, Peru; along the Iquitos-Nauta Highway and the Nanay River that flows through the northern part of the reserve.
Within its 57'667.43 ha (14 249 932.3 acre) Allpahuayo Mishana protects white-sand forests, a very uncommon ecosystem within the South American Amazonia and the flooded forests of the Nanay River.
It has two kinds of habitats: varillales and floodable forests. Varillales grow in white sand areas and has a diversity of soils. While the forests that flood under black water of the Nanay River has species of restricted distribution.
This is the habitat of the rare bird Iquitos gardnatcher (Polioptila clementsi), an endangered species with around a hundred of individuals. Also there are 145 mammal species, 297 bird species, 83 amphibia species, 120 reptiles species, 115 fish species and 1900 plants.
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